Latest Past Events

TREC Training With Julia McHugh At Stoke Court

Stoke Court Stoke Court, Ludlow

TREC training with Julia McHugh at Stoke Court on Saturday 31st Aug Max 4 in a group for 90 min session Will include led and ridden obstacles and control of paces. Fab training with local trainer who competes in Trec. Open to both newcomers and experienced Trec riders. Hot soup and a roll will alsoRead more ⟶


LDRC Camp At Berriewood Farm

Berriewood Farm Berriewood Farm, Condover

LDRC will be holding its first camp from the 21st to 23rd of June 2019 at Berriewood Equestrian Centre, Condover, Near Shrewsbury We want to make it as inclusive as possible for all members who attend irrespective of their ability and experience and above all for everyone to have a fun and enjoyable experience. TheRead more ⟶

Top Turnout With Jenni Savolainen At Ashford Court

Ashford Court Ashford Carbonell, Ludlow

You may have already seen Jenni from Top Turnout work her magic transforming horses into sparkling show ready condition, now come and have a go yourself! Jenni will run a morning and afternoon session where you can see her demonstrate a range of turnout techniques and then have a go yourself. Kindly hosted at AshfordRead more ⟶



To book please email unless otherwise specified.

Please tell us what height you wish to jump for any showjumping or cross country clinics so we can match the groups as evenly as possible and let us know about any time restrictions you may have and we will do our best to accommodate you. We can often accommodate flatwork with jumping lessons so please get in touch if you do not wish to jump.


Payment must be made in advance, you will not be issued times unless payment has been cleared.

You can let us know that you have paid by emailing

We accept payment via Cheque or Bank Transfer. PLEASE DO NOT SEND CASH

To send a cheque, please email the above address and we will send you the details

Bank Transfer – Please put clinic / competition date & name in the reference box

Account Name: Ludlow and District Riding Club

Account No: 42433360   Sort Code: 30-96-26

Cancellations – unless your slot can be filled no refund will be issued.